Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vintage Photo Effect

Give your photos a soft and memorable feeling. This easy Photoshop tutorial is suitable for beginners and will show you how to use four adjustment layers to create this photo effect. A Photoshop action is also included at the end of this Photoshop tutorial.

Vintage Photo Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Preview of Final Results

Step 1 – Open the photo into Photoshop

Choose File > Open, browse for the photo, then click OK. This photo effect works best on outdoor portraits.

Step 2 – Create a group

To create this effect, we’ll be using three adjustment layers. For better layer organization, we’ll place all these adjustment layers inside a group that lets us know that these layers are related to the photo effect. To create a new group, click on the button in the layers palette. Double-click on the group name in the layers palette to rename the group.

Step 3 – Selectively lower the contrast of the image

Lowering the contrast will reveal more details and soften the emotion in the photo by reducing shadows. To selectively adjust the contrast in the image, we’ll be using the selective color tool. Make sure that you have the layer group selected first so that when you add the adjustment layer, it’ll appear inside the group. Add a selective color adjustment layer by choosing Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color.
The settings used with the selective color tool will vary depending on the contrast in your image. When adjusting the settings, be sure that no part of your image turns gray. In the colors drop down menu, select black then lower the black value until the shadow is revealed. For most out of the camera images, this should be around –10%.
Next, select neturals from the colors drop down menu. Watch the skin tones while adjusting the blacks setting. Lower the blacks so that the shadows on the face are reduced but not so much so that they disappear. This setting will vary depending on the lighting of the skin tone. For our image, we used a setting of –20%.
Finally, adjust the whites. Select whites from the colors drop down menu then increase the blacks. This will further reduce the contrast. If you increase it too much, your highlights will be darker than your midtones and shadows.

Step 4 – Darken the image

Our image looks brighter than it was before because of the selective color adjustment layer we added. To darken back the image, we’ll add a brightness/contrast adjustment layer. Choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast. If you are using Photoshop CS3 or newer, checkmark the use legacy option. This will let us adjust the brightness linearly. Reduce the brightness setting until the photo is back to the original brightness.

Step 5 – Add a photo filter

To give the image an aged tint, add a photo filter adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter). Set the filter to the color of your choice. A popular color choice for this type of effect is yellow.

Step 5 – Increase the contrast (Optional)

Add a curves adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves). Adjust the curves setting to add contrast.

Final Results

Here’s the final results of this photo effect. Rollover the images below to see the before and after effect.
Below is an higher contrast example with a curves adjustment layer.

Download the PSD

Download the Action


Friday, April 16, 2010

Futuristic Collage

In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn several ways of drawing abstract elements and blending images to create an abstract and futuristic photo manipulation. These types of photo manipulations are popular in wallpapers and signatures (AKA sigs) where people combine their interests into a collage that describes themselves.






What you will need

Preview of final results

Step 1

Create a new document with dimensions; 1600 x 1100px. First change the foreground color to a bright reddish color, the exact color doesn't matter then hit Alt+Backspace to fill the background layer red. Paste the image with the model into your document then scale and move it until it looks like the image below.

Step 2

Now we need to mask out the girl, this is usually the most tedious part of any photo manipulation but it needs to be done so you may as well get good at it. If you really can't be bothered masking it then you can download the masked image as a PSD file here then just skip on to step 5, otherwise lets start masking. The method I use is quite complicated, first select the pen tool then look at the main toolbar and you will see three small buttons at the left, select the middle one which should say paths if you hover over it. Now start tracing round the edge of the girl, don't worry too much about being accurate as we will be putting her on a black background later. Also don't go round her hair, just draw round it without going near it. After you've got all the way round her and closed your path. Next right click somewhere in the document and select Create vector mask, this will get your image looking something like the one below.

Step 3

Now change the foreground color to black or just hit D then select the background layer and hit Alt+Backspace to fill it black. You'll notice that there will be some thin white bits around the model. So select the layer with the girl on it then click the layer mask button at the bottom of the layers panel. Now select the brush tool and choose a soft round brush about 50px diameter and 50% opacity and make sure the foreground color is still black. Now just draw over the white patches just to blend the black of her clothes into the background. After you've done this do the hair but change the brush opacity to 100% then just roughly blend the hair into the background. After fiddling with it for a while you should have a result like below.

Step 4

Now depending on what version of Photoshop you have will dictate what you do in this step, If you have CS3 or above then just right click on the girl's layer and select Convert to smart object. Any other version below CS3; then select the girls layer then create a new layer then hit Ctrl+E and when the dialog box comes up select apply. Now I scaled this layer slightly and move it a bit too then added another layer mask and used the same technique as in the last step to blend the model into the background, this is optional and only do it if you think your image needs to be blended more. If you got stuck at all then just go and download the PSD file I mentioned in step 2.

Step 5

Duplicate the girl's layer (Ctrl+J) then scale it up a bit then in the layers panel move this layer below the original layer. Now change the opacity of this new layer to about 10%.

Step 6

Create a new layer then change the foreground color to white then select the brush tool. Change to a 2px, 0% hardness, 100% opacity round brush. Now select the pen tool and draw a curvy path that kind of wraps around the girl. Then right click on the document and select Stroke path and make sure simulate pressure is unchecked.

Step 7

Now pay attention to the next two steps as we will be doing the same thing a few times from now on. First Ctrl+click on the original girl's layer then select the layer with the curvy line in it then Alt+click on the layer mask button at the bottom of the layers panel (cirircle within a rectangle button). You'll see that the line now goes behind the girl. Now hit Ctrl+D to deselect.

Step 8

Now we want the line to go over and under the girl layer. So select a a hard round white brush about 50px diameter and 100% opacity. Select the layer mask on the line layer then paint on the parts that you want to appear above the girl, I painted on the parts that I've circled in red. Next we want to fade out parts of the line, mainly the ends and the parts that we want to appear far away. So change the hardness of the brush to 0% and the opacity to about 20%, also change the foreground color to black then just brush over the parts you want to hide a few times.

Step 9

Now right click on this layer and go to blending options then add an outer glow using the settings shown below. You can repeat repeat these steps to add a few more lines, I just left it at one.

Step 10

Now we're going to put in some abstract renders so open one of the renders in the pack that you downloaded then drag the render layer into your original document, you may have to minimize the windows within photoshop. Most of these renders come with the render layer and a background layer, just put the render layer in then close the document. After you've dragged it in then scale and move it until it is placed over the girl like so.

Step 11

Now we use exactly the same masking technique we used for the line, basically do steps 7 & 8 for the render instead of the line, notice how most of the render appears behind the model but some parts appear in front of her. Remember to fade out some parts of the render too, especially since there are some sharp edges in some of the renders.

Step 12

We want to go for a reddish pink color scheme so if the render you used isn't the right color then go Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation then change the hue slider until it looks right, I had to do it with the first render I used, so look at the difference.

Step 13

Now we have to do exactly the same with a few more renders. I used three in total. It is important that the renders look like they go in front and behind the girl to add depth. This is what mine looked like after I added two more renders.

Step 14

This step I guess is optional, if you want to add some more stock images into your piece then now is the time to do it. The process consists of pasting in an image, masking it like we did with the girl then scaling and positioning it in the image. Some ideas are flowers and plants, small airplanes or balloons etc. I added a couple of flowers but you can put in more or none at all.

Step 15

Next we're going to put some clouds into our picture, start by selecting the eyedropper tool then pick a color from part of your render, you should now have a bright pinky color as your foreground color. Create a new layer, now select the brush tool then go into your clouds brush pack and choose a cloud brush. Now place your cloud somewhere over the girl then use the same masking technique we used for the line and for the renders but for this we want most of the cloud in front of her. Below I've shown what it should look like after you've added one cloud and masked it.

Step 16

Now repeat the last step twice more, using a different brush and picking a different color. Remember to put it in a new layer and to mask it in the same way.

Step 17

Now we're going to add a kind of glassy effect that we've been seeing a lot recently in this type of art. First create a new layer then select the polygonal lasso tool then draw a four sided shape similar to the one below.

Step 18

Next select the brush tool and choose a 400px round brush, 0% hardness, 100% opacity then change the foreground color to white. Now just brush along, just outside the edge of the box to get this effect, you may need to try a few times to get it right. Now hit Ctrl+D to deselect then you can move or rotate this layer.

Step 19

Now do these two steps twice again, but make the rectangle selection at a different angle or size, so you have three of these glassy things like in the image below.

Step 20

Now alter the opacities of these three layer to something between about 20% and 35%, just until they look right and don't do them all the same opacity, make them different and it will add some depth.

Step 21

In this step we're going to put in some random wee lines, this is quite subtle but it still adds to the overall image. First select a 1px round brush then choose a bright color, either yellow, orange or pink then brush some randowm lines in then do the same with a different color. Take a look at stage number one. Next add a layer mask by clicking the layer mask button at the bottom of the layers panel and use the second part of masking technique that I mentioned, where you blend the ends of the lines. don't worry about making these lines go behind the girl. You can see this in stage 2. Then just change the blend mode of this layer to color dodge, You can see what mine looked like in the bottom image, stage 3.

Step 22

The next thing I did was to add some small dots, they aren't really visible in the image below but they do add to the image. Create a new layer then select the brush tool and choose a 1px soft round brush with full opacity. Make sure the foreground color is white then just put some dots on the page, try also doing some with a 2px brush as well.

Step 23

That's us pretty much finished this tutorial but I did add a few finishing touches to the image and there is still a lot you could do to it. I added a very faint lens flare on a black layer then set it to screen then masked it a lot and lowered the opacity of it. I also put some white lines in to the right of the model and in a new layer then moved the layer to the bottom of the layer stack then masked it out a bit to blend it in. I then did some color adjustments to bring out the reds and some highlights, I used a mixture of Brightness/Contrast, Curves and Color Balance adjustment layers. Just experiment with some adjustment layers until it looks good. Have fun with it.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Design a Contemporary Poster

Create this simple poster created with layers of photos and shapes. In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn how to use a combination of Photoshop brushes, images, and custom shapes to create this contemporary poster.

Preview of Final Result

What you will need

Architectural ornaments brush set A few splatter brushes

Design a Contemporary Poster Photoshop Tutorial

Step 1

Create a new document with dimensions; 1500 x 2000px. Now change the foreground color to a light grey, I used #e5e5e5. Go Edit>Fill and select foreground color. This will fill the background layer with a light grey.

Step 2

Now go here and copy the image into your document then scale it down until it looks like the image below. Select the magic wand tool and change the tolerance to 40. Now click outside the skull then hit Delete to get rid of the white background from the skull image, do the same for the other white bits like inside the eyes and the mouth. The last thing to do is to make sure the layer is selected then hit Shift+Ctrl+U, this will desaturate the layer.

Step 3

Next go and copy another image from here, this time of a sword. Place it into the document, first desaturate it in the same way that we did with the skull then scale and rotate the sword. Now get rid of the white background using the magic wand tool, this time with a tolerance of 10. Now duplicate this layer (Ctrl+J) then go Edit>Transform>Flip-Horizontal. Then move this layer so the swords form an X shape.

Step 4

In the layers panel select both the sword layers using Ctrl then hit Ctrl+E to merge these layers. Now we want the swords behind the skull, so just drag this layer down below the skull layer in the layers panel. I also increased the brightness of the layer by going Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast and increasing the brightness a bit.

Step 5

Create a new layer between the skull layer and the swords layer then select the brush tool then in the main toolbar click the arrow next to the word brush then click the other arrow within the box that pops up and choose the architectural ornaments brush set. Change the foreground color to black then add a few of these into your image, I ended up only putting one in as you can see in the image below.

Step 6

Now change the opacity of this layer to about 60% just to tone it down a bit.

Step 7

Create a new layer below the swords layer then select the brush tool and choose the splatter brush set in the same way we did in step 5. Make sure the foreground color is black then add a big splatter just below the skull. Now change the opacity of this layer to 75%. You'll notice i also added some drips to the horns, this was just with a small round brush and is optional.

Step 8

Select the type tool then choose a grungy font if you have one, also change the color to the same color as the background. Now just type your text and position it over the splatter and resize it if necessary.

Step 9

Now that we've done the foreground, we'll move onto the background. So we don't get our layers mixed up, it is a good idea to create a new layer group, do this by clicking the button at the bottom of the layers panel that looks like a folder. Drag the folder so it is directly above the background layer. Now we need an image of smoke, the one I used can be found here so paste it into your document and desaturate it in the same way we did with the skull. Scale and position it as shown in the image below.

Step 10

Change the blend mode of this layer to multiply, now you'll notice that this smoke image has some sharp edges at the top, we need to get rid of these. We can either use the eraser tool or the layer mask tool, I recommend using a layer mask, but if that’s too complicated for you then just use the eraser tool. Click the layer mask button at the bottom of the layers panel (circle inside a rectangle) then change the foreground color to black then select the brush tool. Choose a soft round brush with a diameter of about 400px and an opacity of about 40% then just brush over the parts of the smoke that you want to hide and you'll get something like in the image below

Step 11

Next I added a few more splatter brushes behind the skull, I did this in a new layer above the smoke layer, I think I used three different brushes then I changed the opacity of the layer to about 70%.

Step 12

Now we're going to add a bit of color to the skull, so create a new layer at the very top of the layer stack then fill it with black (go Edit>Fill). Now go Filter>Render>Lens-Flare, hit ok then change the opacity of this layer to 75% then move it so the centre of the lens flare is on the skulls eye.

Step 13

Now change the blend mode of this layer to screen then if you think the centre of the lens flare is too bright then you can remove it a bit with the eraser tool.

Step 14

I left the foreground almost totally grayscale so that I could add some bright colors to the background to give a contrast. Create a new layer below the background layer group then change the foreground color to a bright color. Select the line shape tool and change the weight to 20px then holding Shift, make a line at 45°. Repeat this step until you have a few more lines of different colors.


That’s as far as we'll go in this tutorial but there is still a lot more you could do to your image. For example I added some white vector wings in, and a few wee gradients here and there but I'd encourage you to keep on experimenting with it an I hope you learned something new.

Design by Wpthemedesigner. Converted To Blogger Template By Anshul .